“Can a young teen girl who just started her periods use a menstrual cup? I got asked this question just recently, and it’s actually a question I get asked quite a lot. So, I thought it would be the perfect topic for today’s blog post.

The short answer is YES! But, there are somethings to bear in mind before purchasing a menstrual cup for a young teen, which will all be explained in this blog post.

Is it safe for a young girl to use a menstrual cup?

Yes it is! Menstrual cups are made of medical Grade silicone or TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) both these materials are widely used in the medical industry, and unlike the conventional disposable menstrual products they have been through testing to ensure their safety. Menstrual cups do not contain any harsh chemicals, parabens , dioxin and perfumes that non-organic tampons do! There for menstrual cups are one of the healthiest internal menstrual protection options out there! They do not disturbed the natural pH balance of the vagina, so she will not experience any irritation that she may experience with conventional products. Menstrual cups have no risk of TSS (toxic shock syndrome) which has been associated with tampon usage, and to which younger girls (8 to 20) are at higher risk of getting . So there is no health risk if she forgets about it, or is unable to empty it within 8 hours. It’s highly unlikely that a menstrual cup would cause any kind of damage from misuse by the young girl, especially if it is the appropriate style of cup for a young teen, more on this below. However, like any internal products, such as a tampon, use of a menstrual cup can tear the Hymen. The Hyman is a membrane which partially covers the opening of the vagina. By the time a girl has started menstruating the hymen may have already stretched or torn through activities such as horse riding and dance or other sports. If her hymen is intact and she or her parents have strong personal, cultural or religious feelings about keeping it intact, I would not advise using any internal product as, although she can use a menstrual cup with a intact hymen, inserting the cup will stretch or tear her hymen.

How do I know if a menstrual cup would be appropriate for her?

Some girls will be ready to use an internal product like a menstrual cup, and some girls won’t. It all depends on the young girls’ emotional maturity and knowledge about her body. I usually suggest that they go have a look at a menstrual cup ( you can get hold of a demonstration femmecup in our spamming kits ) if you don’t have one already. Let her have a feel , and remember to tell her that it’s folded for insertion. The young girls thoroughly enjoy playing with all my different demonstration cups and learning all the different folds, it’s surprising how quickly they pick it up! Make it fun! It doesn’t need to be scary and awkward. Learn as much as you can about the menstrual cycle and female reproductive anatomy, especially the vagina. Go back to your biology lessons, ask a school nurse or your general health care provider for information, watch videos and read books. I feel that the most important thing in determining weather she is ready to use a cup is to have lots of good conversations with her. Ask her what she thinks about it, and weather she would feel comfortable using one. The start of menstruation can be quite an intense experience emotionally – especially for girls that are younger. So she may find the idea of having to insert her fingers inside her vagina and emptying the cup out quite frightening. I recommend cloth pads in cute and bright fabrics for young girls who have just started menstruation and who are struggling. You should be able to gauge her readiness from your conversations with her, or indeed whether a different option would suit her best.

Which menstrual cup would be the best for a young girl?

There are many, many different brands of menstrual cups out there! But the one I would recommend over and over is the Me Luna small classic , It’s the ideal first menstrual cup for a young girl! The Me Luna small classic is made from soft TPE , it’s just the right stiffness, soft so it’s easy to fold and insert, but there’s enough resistance there so it’s not difficult to get the cup to pop open properly. The Me Luna also has some great grip rings to make removing the cup easier. The Me Luna small classic is an easy cup to get on with, as far as menstrual cups go. And will make the learning curve a lot less steep. The Me Luna small is not intimidating, and comes in a range of pretty colours and with different stem options to choose from, I recommend you go for the ‘stem’ option as it is easy to trim if it is too long. The Me Luna small classic may not be her “goldilocks cup” but it’s a great introduction to menstrual cups, and once she has been using it for a couple of months she will have a better idea of what she would like in a menstrual cup. I also recommend using some form of lubricant, such as coconut oil or KY Jelly to make inserting the cup more comfortable and easier.

Is a menstrual cup practical for a young girl to use?

Menstrual cups are great for school, as they can hold three times as much as a tampon. So she doesn’t have to worry about leaks or having to change a tampon or pad at school. Depending on the heaviness of her flow, she could empty her cup first thing in the morning and when she comes back home from school, or before she goes to bed. Menstrual cups can offer up to 12 hours of protection. Menstrual cups can be used whilst swimming and whilst playing sports. So she doesn’t need to stop when her period starts!

I hope you found this post useful and that it answered all of your questions. If you have a question that wasn’t addressed in this post, do feel free to contact me through our contact form or comment blow. And I’ll keep adding to the post as, who know’s, someone might have the same question!